Stock Report

Mafatlal Industries Ltd approves stock split

Posted On : 2022-09-17 17:17:22( TIMEZONE : IST )

Mafatlal Industries Ltd approves stock split

The Board of Directors of Mafatlal Industries Ltd, at its Meeting held today, i.e., 17th September 2022, has considered and unanimously approved the sub-division (split) of existing Equity Share of the Company from one (1) equity share having a face value of Rs. 10/- each (fully paid-up) into five (5) Equity Shares of face value of Rs. 2/- each (fully paid-up). The Record Date for such sub-division (split) of equity shares will be announced in due course.

The alteration of Capital Clause (Clause V) of the Memorandum of Association of the Company ('MoA').

The board also approved obtaining shareholders' approval through postal ballot procedure for sub-division (split) and Alteration of the MoA as mentioned above and to authorize the Company Secretary to issue Notice of Postal Ballot.

Source : Equity Bulls


MafatlalIndustries SubDivision StockSplit EquityShares