Stake Sale

Genesys International allots 39,30,000 warrants

Posted On : 2007-01-27 05:47:35( TIMEZONE : IST )

Genesys International allots 39,30,000 warrants

Genesys International Corporation Ltd has announced that in accordance with the approval from the Shareholders of the Company and other Regulatory Authorities, the Board of Directors of the Company at its Meeting held on January 27, 2007 has allotted 39,30,000 Warrants convertible into 39,30,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10/- each at a premium of Rs 9/- per Equity Share on preferential basis, the details of which are mentioned herein below:

1. Mr. Sohel Malik (Promoter): 35,30,000 Warrants

2. Mr. Ravi Kothari (Individual Investor): 4,00,000 Warrants

Source : Equity Bulls
