Stock Report

ICICI Bank redeems outstanding notes of USD 660,562,500

Posted On : 2022-09-09 18:16:39( TIMEZONE : IST )

ICICI Bank redeems outstanding notes of USD 660,562,500

ICICI Bank Limited has fully redeemed the outstanding notes under ISIN: XS1576750951 for a total sum of USD 660,562,500.00 (consisting of principal amount of USD 650,000,000.00 and aggregate accrued amount of interest of USD 10,562,500.00 from the last interest payment date to maturity date) on September 9, 2022. These notes were issued under the Global Medium Term Note Programme (The GMTN Programme).

Source : Equity Bulls


ICICIBank IBN FullRedemption Notes XS1576750951 GMTNProgramme