Stake Sale

Maharashtra Seamless Allots 859,220 equity shares against conversion of FCCBs

Posted On : 2007-03-16 03:08:27( TIMEZONE : IST )

Maharashtra Seamless Allots 859,220 equity shares against conversion of FCCBs

Maharashtra Seamless Ltd has announced that the Committee of Directors of the Board of the Company at its meeting held on March 16, 2007, has allotted 859,220 No. of Equity Shares of Rs 5/- each of the Company at a Premium of Rs 248.34 per share upon exercise of option of conversion for 5000 No. of Zero Coupon Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds of US$ 1000 each into Equity Shares of the Company.

Consequently, the paid-up Equity Share Capital of the Company has increased from 6,90,72,747 Equity Shares to 6,99,31,967 Equity Shares of Rs 5/- each, as of date.

Source : Equity Bulls
