Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd has announced that the Sub-Committee of Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on March 13, 2007, has passed the resolution pursuant to approval of the Shareholders under Section 81(1A) of the Companies Act, 1956 at their meeting date February 26, 2007, in accordance with the SEBI (DIP) Guidelines 2000 and other applicable provisions of law, to issue and allot 25,00,000 Share Warrants of Rs 398.50 each of the Company to the following persons with the respective number of Share Warrants being specified against each such name and some important terms of such Share Warrants being summarized thereafter hereunder:
1. Shri. Ashok B Jain - 6,25,000 Warrants Allotted
2. Shri. Anil B Jain - 6,25,000 Warrants Allotted
3. Shri. Ajit B Jain - 6,25,000 Warrants Allotted
4. Shri. Atul B Jain - 6,25,000 Warrants Allotted