Stake Sale

SEBI denies exemption to GE Chemical Co. SA to acquire 25.1% in Daikaffil Chemicals

Posted On : 2007-02-12 09:39:06( TIMEZONE : IST )

SEBI denies exemption to GE Chemical Co. SA to acquire 25.1% in Daikaffil Chemicals

Daikaffil Chemicals India Ltd has announced that, as per intimation received from Authorised Representative of G.E. Chemical Co. S.A. Luxembourg, SEBI vide its Order dated February 05, 2007 as communicated to G.E. Chemical Co. S.A. Luxembourg, has denied exemption to G.E. Chemical Co. S.A. Luxembourg from acquiring 25.10% of the Equity Share Capital of the Company on a preferential basis as proposed by the Company.

Source : Equity Bulls
