JMC Projects India Ltd has announced that the Management Committee of Directors duly authorized by the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on February 06, 2007 has allotted 13,28,767 Equity Shares pursuant to Warrant Conversion Applications received during the month of January, 2007. The said detachable warrants were issued and allotted on September 09, 2005 along with equity shares on right basis pursuant to Letter of Offer dated June 20, 2005.
The details of allotment of equity shares made:
No. of valid Applications received for conversion during January 2007 - 160
Applicable Conversion Price per equity share for January 2007 - Rs - 152/-
No. of Warrants received for conversion during January 2007 - 26,57,534
No. of equity shares allotted for the month of January 2007 - 13,28,767
Further the Company has informed that, as per the terms of the Issue, 2 warrants get converted into 1 equity share and accordingly, allotment has been made.