Trent Ltd has announced that the members of the Company by way of Postal Ballot will consider to approve the following resolutions:
1. To create, issue, offer and allot (a) not exceeding 7,21,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10/- each (not exceeding 5% of the existing paid-up Equity Share capital of the Company) and (b) not exceeding 7,21,000 Warrants with option to subscribe to one Equity Share of Rs 10/- each per Warrant, which option shall be exercisable after June 01, 2007 but not later than March 31, 2008 (such Equity Shares not exceeding 5% of the existing paid-up Equity Share capital of the Company) (Securities), for cash on preferential allotment basis to the main Promoter / shareholder of the Company, Tata Sons Ltd and Tata Investment Corporation Ltd, such issue and allotment to be made at such price or prices, for the Equity Shares to be allotted (including those arising out of exercise of option attached to the Warrants) in such manner and on such terms and conditions as prescribed under the applicable SEBI Regulations.
2. The Register of Members, Index of Members, Register and Index of Debentureholders, Returns of allotment made from time to time and copies of all the Annual Returns prepared under Section 159 of the Companies Act, 1956, along with other certificates and documents required to be annexed thereto under Section 161 of the Companies Act, 1956 and other applicable provisions, be kept at the office of TSR DARASHAW Ltd, Registrars and Share Transfer Agent, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai and / or Manpada, Thane (W) with effect from January 01, 2007.
The Board of Director has appointed Ms Shirin Bharucha, Advocate, as the Scrutinizer for conducting the Postal Ballot process in accordance with the law and in a fair & transparent manner.
The Postal Ballot form duly completed form should reach the Scrutinizer on or before the close of working hours on December 20, 2006. The Scrutinizer will submit the report to the Chairman of the Company after completion of scrutiny of the Postal ballot forms. The results of the Postal Ballot will be announced by the Chairman or by the Managing Director or any other Director, duly authorised by the Chairman on or before December 23, 2006.