Stake Sale

Escorts alltos 36,11,610 warrants to promoters

Posted On : 2006-11-24 15:26:45( TIMEZONE : IST )

Escorts alltos 36,11,610 warrants to promoters

Escorts Ltd has announced that the meeting of the Committee of Directors (CoD) of the Allotment Committee held on November 22, 2006 has allotted 36,11,610 share warrants to Harprasad & Company Pvt Ltd, a promoter's group Company, convertible into 36,11,610 Equity Shares of Rs 10/- each in the proportion of one Equity share against each warrant at a price of Rs 124.05 per share.

The price along with other terms and conditions are in accordance with SEBI guidelines.

Source : Equity Bulls
