Stake Sale

Varun Beverages Ltd approves allotment of Secured, Rated, Listed, Redeemable, NCDs

Posted On : 2017-02-27 20:17:30( TIMEZONE : IST )

Varun Beverages Ltd approves allotment of Secured, Rated, Listed, Redeemable, NCDs

The Allotment Committee constituted by Board of Directors of Varun Beverages Ltd vide resolution passed on February 27, 2017, approved the allotment of Secured, Rated, Listed, Redeemable, Non-Convertible Debentures ("Debenture" / "NCD"). The Company has raised Rs.3,000,000,000 (Rupees Three Hundred Crores) by issue of ("Debenture"/ "NCD") and allotted 1500 ("Debenture" / "NCD") of Rs. 1000,000 (Rupees Ten Lakh) each to RBL Bank Limited and 1500 ("Debenture" / "NCD") of Rs. 1000,000 (Rupees Ten Lakh) each to Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited on private placement basis.

The said ("Debenture" / "NCD") shall be listed on National Stock Exchange of India Limited.

The Allotment Committee meeting commenced at 3.30 p.m. and concluded at 4.15 p.m.

Source : Equity Bulls
