Stake Sale

KS Oils Ltd to issue shares on preferential basis

Posted On : 2007-07-27 23:10:58( TIMEZONE : IST )

KS Oils Ltd to issue shares on preferential basis

KS Oils Ltd has announced that in view of the subdivision of shares taking place in July 25, 2007 and issue of shares to Investors (subject to approval of the shareholders in the extra ordinary general meeting) the shares to be issued to Investors will under go a change in the following manner:

A. 2,15,82,360 equity shares of Re 1 at a premium of Rs 40.90 each of the Company, aggregating to an amount not exceeding Rs 90,43,00,884 to:

1. Baring Private Equity Asia III Mauritius Holdings (3) Ltd: upto 2,14,79,710 Equity Shares (the "Investor No 1");

2. Keshav Bhujle and Gautam Nayak: upto 1,02,650 Equity Shares (in their capacities as trustees of the following trust:

(i) CVCIGP II P R Srinivasan Trust upto 4780 Equity Shares
(ii) CVCIGP II Vinayak Shenvi Trust: upto 4780 Equity Shares
(iii) CVCIGP II Ajay Relan Trust: upto 71,600 Equity Shares
(iv) CVCIGP II Vivek Chhachhi Trust: upto 4,780 Equity Shares
(v) CVCIGP II Jayanta Kumar Basu Trust: upto 4,780 Equity Shares
(vi) CVCIGP II Ajay Tandon Trust - upto 11,930 Equity Shares
(referred to as the "Investors No. 2")


B. 2,38,66,350 warrants, one warrant is convertible into equity shares of Re 1 each at a premium of Rs 40.90 per share aggregating to an amount not exceeding Rs 100,00,000,65 to Promoters.

in each case, on preferential allotment basis, to the extent and in the manner approved by the shareholders of the Company.

Source : Equity Bulls
