Ganesh Housing Corporation Ltd has announced that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 31, 2007, has approved conversion of 6,60,000 preferential warrants into equivalent number of equity shares @ Rs 113/- (including a premium of Rs 103/-) per share to the following allottee:
1. Securities Capital Investments India Ltd - 250,000 No of shares allotted
2. Hemant L Patel - 50,000 No of shares allotted
3. Nitin K Patel - 100,000 No of shares allotted
4. Chetan D Shah - 160,000 No of shares allotted
5. Ketan Parikh - 100,000 No of shares allotted
The paid up share capital (after the conversion of preferential warrants into equity shares) is Rs 21,38,70,800/- divided into 2,13,87,080 equity shares of Rs 10/-each.