Stake Sale

Cerebra Integrated Technologies allots shares on conversion of warrants

Posted On : 2007-04-09 04:13:46( TIMEZONE : IST )

Cerebra Integrated Technologies allots shares on conversion of warrants

Cerebra Integrated Technologies Ltd has announced that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on April 03, 2007 has proceeded to allot the following securities: a. Equity Shares of Rs 10/- each for cash at par (b) Warrants convertible in to Equity Shares of Rs 10/- each for cash payable Re 1/- on application and allotment.

Name of Allottees:

1. Shridhar S Hegde - 230287 Shares & nil Warrants
2. Chembra Economic Consultancy Services Ltd - 475000 Shares & nil Warrants
3. Udbhav Holdings Pvt Ltd - 400000 Shares & nil Warrants
4. Ms. Usha C - 250000 Shares & nil Warrants
5. Amritanish Holdings Pvt Ltd - Nil Shares & 400000 Warrants
6. Value Source IT Pvt. Ltd - Nil Shares & 475000 Warrants
7. CCG Technologies Pvt Ltd - Nil Shares & 400000 Warrants
8. Techways India Pvt., Ltd - Nil Shares & 475000 Warrants
9. S N Agro Trading Cultivation Pvt Ltd - Nil Shares & 100000 Warrants
10. Mr. Anish Vijay - Nil Shares & 150000 Warrants

Source : Equity Bulls
