Stake Sale

Vipul Dye Chem to raise funds

Posted On : 2007-07-31 21:55:21( TIMEZONE : IST )

Vipul Dye Chem to raise funds

Vipul Dye Chem Ltd has announced that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 31, 2007 inter-alia resolved the following:

i. Considered and decided to raise funds / resources up to Rs 2.25 Crores for the business and proposed Expansion plans / programme of the Company by issue of warrants through preferential allotment to the promoters and others.

ii. The Board also decided to increase the Authorised share capital from Rs 4 Crores to Rs 6 Crores.

The Board decided to convene an Extra - Ordinary General Meeting to be held on August 27, 2007 to seek approval of the members.

Source : Equity Bulls
