The Board of Directors of Tahmar Enterprises Ltd at its meeting held on Saturday, August 24, 2024 at the Corporate Office of the Company at 501-B, 5th Floor, Dempo Trade Centre, Panjim - Goa - 403 001, have considered and approved the proposal for acquisition of equity shares of ECO CANE SUGAR ENERGY LIMITED CIN - U15424PN1999PLC013764 situated at Maharashtra, as going concern basis along with all its plant, machinery, Factory buildings, Bank accounts, receivables etc. including all assets and liabilities, and authorised Mr. RAJSHEKHAR CADAKKETHRAJASEKHAR NAIR or MRS. SHILPA SUSHANT PHADNIS to negotiate and enter in to an MOU and SPA subject to receiving the list of shareholders certified by the company secretary, which shall be subject to the shareholders approval in ensuing annual general meeting of the company, pursuant to the acquisition and completion of all the formalities ECO CANE SUGAR ENERGY LIMITED will become the subsidiary of the company.
The Board has accorded the approval of the signing of the MOU Subject to Inspection of the Statutory registers and all the licences (which shall be valid) required to run ECO CANE SUGAR ENERGY LIMITED as a Sugar Factory Duly certified by the Company secretary and Compliance Officer , Chartered accountant and the Managing Director of ECO CANE SUGAR ENERGY LIMITED
The Board has accorded the permission for the signing of the MOU subject to the shareholders getting approval in writing from the financial institution where the shares have been pledged (if applicable) for the signing of the MOU.
The Board shall decide and appoint the directors of ECO CANE SUGAR ENERGY LIMITED pursuant to the approval of the shareholders in the ensuing general meeting, the board shall propose the names of the said directors and their remuneration in the next meeting to be held on 28-08-2024.
The Board has instructed that the said MOU and the SPA shall be executed on a stamp paper not below the value of Rupees 1000 to be duly notarised with the shareholders of the company as stated in the register of members which is duly certified by the company secretary.