Stock Report

G G Engineering Ltd receives orders valued Rs. 210 million for supplying Iron Raw Material to prominent Industrial houses

Posted On : 2023-08-04 22:45:46( TIMEZONE : IST )

G G Engineering Ltd receives orders valued Rs. 210 million for supplying Iron Raw Material to prominent Industrial houses

G.G. Engineering Limited has won orders valued Rs. 210 million for supplying Iron Raw Material to prominent Industrial houses of repute consuming steel as the primary Raw Material. The company will be completing these supplies within next 30‐45 days and is anticipating additional orders as well for Q3 of the current financial year.

G.G. Engineering Limited has been working on a vertical integration strategy, expanding their role in the supply chain of the raw materials, as well as the sales of engineering products in the Steel including Heavy Steel business arenas. The company is eyeing gaining better control and economiesin both upstream and downstream functionsin the Value Chain. The company is also exploring and working on various viable options including alliances and acquisitions to fulfil the goals for achieving Backward as well as forward integration.

Source : Equity Bulls


GGEngineering OrderWin