Stock Report

DEV IT bags order worth Rs. 4.97 crore

Posted On : 2022-09-26 19:12:48( TIMEZONE : IST )

DEV IT bags order worth Rs. 4.97 crore

DEV INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LTD (DEV IT) bags order worth Rs. 4.97 crore approximately, for delivering of Database Management System Software along with Data Centre class operating system software which has the following capabilities:

RDBMS: General, Security, Replication, Clustering, Performance, Spatial, Management, Integration, Backup, Analytics, Transactional.

Datacentre Class Operating System software: It is designed for highly virtualized and software defined datacentreenvironments with unlimited virtual instances. It also provides enabling the building of highly available storage systems with inexpensive local storage. Shielded Virtual Machines are protected against unauthorized access using various technologies, such as encryption of virtual disks.

Source : Equity Bulls


DevInformationTechnology OrderWin DBMS Software DataCentre