Stake Sale

W. S. Industries India extends redemption of RCNCPS

Posted On : 2014-10-27 08:47:13( TIMEZONE : IST )

W. S. Industries India extends redemption of RCNCPS

The Board of Directors of W. S. Industries (India) Ltd at its meeting held on September 30, 2014, have approved the extension of redemption period of 9,25,000 Redeemable Cumulative Non-Convertible Preference shares of Rs. 100/- each fully paid consisting of 7,60,000 Preference Shares to Credit Renaissance Fund Ltd and 1,65,000 Preference Shares to Credit Renaissance Development Fund LP which were due for redemption on October 03, 2014, by a period of one year with effect from October 03, 2014 on the existing terms and conditions.

Source : Equity Bulls
