Railway Budget

Gross Traffic Receipts In 2013-14 Likely To Rise by Rs 18062 Crore

Posted On : 2013-02-26 03:07:15( TIMEZONE : IST )

Gross Traffic Receipts In 2013-14 Likely To Rise by Rs 18062 Crore

The Minister of Railways Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal has said that a target of 1047 MT of revenue earning originating traffic has been kept for 2013-14, which is about 40 MT more than the current year. The freight earnings target has accordingly been set at Rs 93,554 crore, a growth of 9%.

The number of passengers is expected to increase by 5.2% and the passenger fare earnings target has been kept at Rs 42,210 cr.

While Presenting the Railways Budget for 2013-14 he said that factoring in the impact of expected growth of 11% and 10% in other coaching and sundry earnings respectively are expected to be Rs 1,43,742 cr, an increase of Rs 18,062 cr over the revised estimates of 2012-13.

Ordinary working expenses have been fixed at Rs 96,500 cr i.e. 14% higher than the current year. After appropriations to various funds, the year 2013-14 is likely to see a balance of Rs. 12506 cr in the Railway funds.

Source : Equity Bulls
