Railway Budget

Fund Allocation for Rly Staff Quarters Enhanced by 50%

Posted On : 2013-02-26 02:57:59( TIMEZONE : IST )

Fund Allocation for Rly Staff Quarters Enhanced by 50%

The Minister of Railways Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal has announced enhancement of the fund allocation under Railways staff quarters by 50% over the previous year to provide Rs 300 crore. While presenting the Railways Budget for 2013-14 in Parliament today he said that construction of staff quarters has been hampered by funding constraints. Encouraged by the success of Ministry of Urban Development in constructing staff quarters through PPP mode, his Ministry proposes to adopt the same in the Railways.

He announced the provision of hostel facilities for single women railway employees at all Divisional headquarters.

He further announced that condition of barracks would be improved to provide better living condition to the RPF personnel.

Source : Equity Bulls
