Stake Sale

HCL Technologies Allots Bonus Equity Shares

Posted On : 2007-03-18 23:24:55( TIMEZONE : IST )

HCL Technologies Allots Bonus Equity Shares

HCL Technologies Ltd has announced that on March 17, 2007 the Company has allotted 32,54,53,918 Equity Shares of Rs 2/- each fully paid-up as bonus shares to the equity shareholders of the Company in the proportion of one equity share for every one equity share held by them on the record date of March 16, 2007, by capitalization of a sum of Rs 65,09,07,836/- from the Securities Premium Account of the Company.

The aforesaid Bonus Equity Shares are ranking pari passu in all respects including dividend with the existing equity shares of the Company.

Source : Equity Bulls
