The Minister for Railways, Mamata Banerjee has spelt out the following measures to be taken to usher in latest technology in the Railways. Presenting the Rail Budget in Parliament today, the Minister said these measures will benefit the customers.
1. Based on the success of the pilot project of SIMRAN, jointly developed by IIT, Kanpur and RDSO, a Real Time Train Information System (RTIS) will provide reliable information on train running.
2. Collaboration with Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur for using jute geo-textiles in embankment design.
3. A project with IIT, Chennai on prototype manufacture of ultrasonic systems.
4. Partnership with Jadavpur University for development of new designs for rail steel bridges.
5. A collaborative study with IIT, Mumbai on the problem of corrosion of rails.
6. The Centre for Railway Research (CRR), collaboration between IIT, Kharagpur and RDSO, has been sanctioned and is under implementation.
7. Centres of Excellence for development and prototyping various types of Mechatronics Systems at RCF/Kapurthala and DMW/Patiala.
8. E-procurement and e-auction to ensure transparency and economy.
9. Development of a comprehensive web-based data bank for land and asset management data base for optimum utilization of resources.
10. Issuing paperless railway receipts.
11. Extend web based system of allotment of iron ore rakes to coal traffic.
12. Run double-stack container trains from Gujarat ports to the major ICD at Gurgaon.