Railway Budget

Railway Budget proposed outlay at Rs 40745 crore for 2009-10

Posted On : 2009-07-03 01:21:10( TIMEZONE : IST )

Railway Budget proposed outlay at Rs 40745 crore for 2009-10

Presenting the railway budget Minister of Railways Kumari Mamata Banerjee proposed an outlay of Rs,.40,745 cr. for 2009-10. Out of this, Rs.2,921 cr. will be spent on new lines, Rs.1,750 cr. on gauge conversion and Rs.1,102 cr. on passenger amenities, which is 119% more than the allocation in the interim budget. Rs.424 cr. will also be spent on railway staff amenities. She proposed freight loading target of 882 MT and estimated gross freight receipt at Rs.88,419 cr.

Giving an overview of financial performance of the Railways in 2008-09, the Minister informed that freight loading during the period grew by 5 percent while traffic receipt increased by 11.4 per cent to reach Rs. 79,862 cr.

Source : Equity Bulls
