SBI Mutual Fund Trustee Company Private Limited, Trustees to SBI Mutual Fund, have approved Rs 2.80 (28%) dividend in Dividend option of Magnum Taxgain Scheme 1993. The Face value per unit is Rs 10.
May 29, 2009 has been fixed as record date for dividend and the NAV of the scheme was Rs 35.51 as on May 21, 2009.
Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of the scheme / option would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if applicable.
Dividend distribution is subject to availability of distributable surplus and statutory levy (if any). All unit holders of the scheme, whose names appear in records of Registrar of SBI Mutual Fund on record date - May 29, 2009, will be entitled to receive dividend.
Mutual Funds and Securities Investments are subject to market risks and there is no assurance or guarantee that the objective of the scheme wil be achieved. As with any other investment in securities, the NAV of the Magnums / Units issued under the scheme can go up or down depending ont he factors and forces affecting the securities market. Past performance of the Sponsor / AMC / Mutual Fund / Scheme and their affilicates do not indicate the future performance of the scheme of the Mutual Fund.
Please read the offer documents carefully before investing.