Mutual Funds

Navi Mutual Fund launches Navi Nasdaq 100 Fund of Fund

Posted On : 2022-03-08 17:17:37( TIMEZONE : IST )

Navi Mutual Fund launches Navi Nasdaq 100 Fund of Fund

Navi Mutual Fund has launched its Navi Nasdaq 100 Fund of Fund, an open-ended equity scheme that will invest in units of overseas ETFs/Index Funds based on the Nasdaq 100 Index. The new fund provides an opportunity for investors to invest in the leading technology giants of the world in a simple, affordable and low-cost manner. The fund will have a TER of 0.13%* for the direct plan, which is among the lowest in the category. The NFO opened on 3rd March 2022 and will close on 17th March 2022. Investors can invest through online platforms like Groww, PaytmMoney, Zerodha Coin, INDMoney, Kotak Cherry, MF Utilities and more.

Nasdaq 100 index comprises 100 of the largest non-financial companies listed in the US. Nasdaq 100 Total Return Index has generated a compounded annual growth rate of 18.93%, 32.59%, 27.59%, 26.12% in INR terms, over 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years respectively. # With a market cap of $18 Trillion, the index has grown ~6x over the last 10 years. The technology-heavy Nasdaq 100 Index has outperformed more than 90% of all large cap US funds over 1, 3, 5 and 10 years. It has also outperformed S&P 500 in 11 of the last 13 years. The index provides global exposure as well, since many non-US companies such as Baidu (China), Atlassian (Australia), ASML holdings (Netherlands) etc. are also part of it.

In addition to the above, investing in the Navi Nasdaq 100 FoF will provide investors diversification and currency hedge benefits. Nasdaq 100 Index has historically had low correlation with Indian indices, providing higher diversification benefits to Indian investors. Investors can also potentially benefit from better returns if the USD appreciates against INR. Nasdaq 100 (USD) had a 20-year annualized return of 12.93% from 31 Jan 2002 to 31 Jan 2022 whereas Nasdaq 100 (INR) returned 15.39%, due to the USD appreciating 2.16% against INR.

Commenting on the new fund, Sachin Bansal, Co-founder of the Navi Group said : " I am excited to bring another international fund offering to Indian investors. Navi Nasdaq 100 Fund of Fund gives customers a simple and affordable way to invest in the leading technology companies of the world."

This is the fifth fund launched by Navi Mutual Fund this year, continuing its focus on passively managed schemes. It launched the Navi Nifty Next 50 Index Fund and Navi Nifty Bank Index Fund in January, and the Navi US Total Stock Market Fund of Fund and the Navi Nifty Midcap 150 Index Fund in February. The fund house plans to launch 2 more funds by the end of April.

Source : Equity Bulls


NaviMutualFund Nasdaq100Index FundofFund NFO OpenEnded EquityScheme