Mutual Funds

Investors need not monitor stock markets daily, HDFC launches HDFC Flexindex Plan

Posted On : 2009-03-07 08:58:46( TIMEZONE : IST )

Investors need not monitor stock markets daily, HDFC launches HDFC Flexindex Plan

HDFC Mutual Fund constantly endeavors to design product and facilities to make investors experience of investing with them a pleasing one and make HDFC MF their preferred investment destination. Today, HDFC have 37 schemes spread across different product categories including a basket of schemes that have a track record of over 10 years and many investor friendly facilities such as Systematic Investment Plan, Dividend Transfer Plan, HDFCMF Online et al offering convenience of investing.

In that direction, HDFC Mutual Fund has announced the introduction of a new facility - HDFC Flexindex Plan. It is a unique facility that allows investors to invest in equity funds at preferred Sensex levels. It helps investors to automatically transfer their investments from select debt / liquid schemes to select equity schemes of HDFC MF at closing BSE SENSEX levels of their choice. It thus facilitates an exposure to equities at targeted BSE SENSEX levels and helps investors to take advantage of market volatility.

How does HDFC Flexindex Plan work?

- Investor puts money into HDFC select debt/liquid schemes

- Investor chooses four BSE Sensex levels or 'trigger events' of their choice

- Money is automatically switched into select HDFC equity / balanced schemes when the specified index levels are met

- In case some or all 'trigger events' are not achieved, balance amount (parked in debt/liquid schemes) is switched into select equity funds after 1 year in 6 equal monthly installments

Essentially, it is a facility offering convenience and satisfaction of hassle free investing at Sensex levels of investors choice.

Now, investors need not monitor stock markets on a daily basis. Just enroll for this facility, sit and relax. Catch every opportunity and have the pleasure of investing at your preferred Sensex levels.

Disclaimer: Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read the Offer Document carefully before investing. In view of the individual nature of tax consequences, each investor/ unit holder is advised to consult his/ her own professional advisor.

Source : Equity Bulls
