The Union Minister of Railways, Shri Lalu Prasad presented the Interim Railway Budget 2009-10 in the Lok Sabha today and reviewed the Financial Performance during the year 2008-09.
The Freight loading target was retained at 850 mt and the number of passengers likely to grow by around 7% over previous year.
The implementation of recommendations of VI Central Pay Commission (CPC) likely to cost the Railways Rs 9,000 cr more on staff costs and Rs 4,500 cr more on pensionary charges as compared with previous year. Hence, Ordinary Working Expenses (OWE) increased to Rs 55,000 cr in the R.E and the appropriation to Pension Fund to Rs 10,500 cr.
The appropriation to DRF retained at Rs 7,000 cr. The Dividend payable to General Revenues kept at Rs 4,711 cr. The Cash surplus before dividend projected at Rs 19,320 cr and the Operating Ratio at 88.3% despite implementation of the VI CPC. The Revised plan outlay was kept at Rs 36,773 cr.