Stock Report

MIC Electronics Ltd receives LOA for order worth Rs. 3.04 crore

Posted On : 2024-06-10 17:45:03( TIMEZONE : IST )

MIC Electronics Ltd receives LOA for order worth Rs. 3.04 crore

MIC Electronics Limited ("the Company") has received a Letter of Acceptance from the Firozpur Division of the Northern Railway Zone for the provision of coach guidance display boards at major and important stations in the Firozpur (FZR) Division.

The aggregate value of the said work order is Rs. 3,04,95,149.54/- (three crores, four lakhs, ninety-five thousand, one hundred and forty-nine rupees, and fifty-four paise only).

The company has received a Letter of Completion/Installation Certificate from Rajkot Division of Western Railway Zone for the completion of DWK PF-1 CGDB and IPIS System work at Hapa station.

Source : Equity Bulls


MICElectronics LOA OrderWin FirozpurDivision NorthernRailwayZone