Stock Report

Varun Beverages Ltd lays foundation stone for new plant

Posted On : 2023-12-20 19:54:22( TIMEZONE : IST )

Varun Beverages Ltd lays foundation stone for new plant

The Hon'ble Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh Shri Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has today laid the foundation stone of Varun Beverages Limited's proposed manufacturing plant in Kandrori-Kangra, Himachal Pradesh with a total capital outlay of app. Rs 270/- Crore (Rupees Two Hundred and Seventy Crore only) (subject to necessary approvals) when fully commissioned in due course.

Source : Equity Bulls


VarunBeverages VBL FoundationStone ManufacturingPlant Kandrori Kangra HimachalPradesh