Stock Report

Greenlam Industries Ltd commences commercial production of new facility

Posted On : 2022-08-20 18:54:39( TIMEZONE : IST )

Greenlam Industries Ltd commences commercial production of new facility

Greenlam Industries Ltd had earlier announced purchase of laminate manufacturing facility situated at Village Oran, Taluka Prantij, District Sabarkantha, Gujarat - 383205. The said manufacturing facility (currently having installed capacity of 3.4 million laminate sheet per annum) has commenced commercial production w.e.f. August 20, 2022, which has a potential to generate revenue of Rs. 150 Crores per annum on full capacity utilization. With this the present installed capacity of the Company for laminates has become 19.02 million laminate sheets per annum.

Further, the upgradation of the said manufacturing facility is under progress and the same is expected to be operationalized by Q4FY23. Post upgradation the installed capacity of the said laminate manufacturing facility will become 5.4 million laminate sheets per annum and will have a potential to generate revenue of Rs. 250 Crores per annum on full capacity utilization.

Source : Equity Bulls


GreenlamIndustries ManufacturingFacility CommercialProduction LaminateSheet