Stake Sale

Ashok Leyland allots 49,98,000 equity shares on conversion of FCCNs

Posted On : 2007-07-08 22:57:10( TIMEZONE : IST )

Ashok Leyland allots 49,98,000 equity shares on conversion of FCCNs

Ashok Leyland Ltd has announced that the Board Committee of the Company at its meeting held on July 06, 2007, has allotted 49,98,000 shares of Re 1/- each on conversion of 3400 Notes (Foreign Currency Convertible Notes) (FCCNs).

Further the Company informed that, taking into account the above allotment, the total issued and paid-up capital of the Company as on July 06, 2007 is Rs 132,88,68,317 consisting of 132,88,68,317 equity shares of Re 1 each.

Source : Equity Bulls
