Industry News

FCI Releases 3.65 Lakh Tonnes Wheat

Posted On : 2007-03-18 01:05:45( TIMEZONE : IST )

FCI Releases 3.65 Lakh Tonnes Wheat

Government has released 3.65 lakh tonnes of wheat to various States under the Open Market Sale Scheme (Domestic) during the months of February and March, 2007 to check the prices of wheat.

A stock of 30,000 MT of wheat was released to NCT Delhi. In order to check rise in prices and keeping in view the progress of lifting of stocks, an additional quantity of 20,000 MT of wheat has been released to NCT Delhi on March 13, 2007. By February 15, 2007, 24,000 tonnes of wheat has already been lifted from FCI godowns in Delhi.

Wheat is being release at the rate of Rs. 986.06 per quintal.

Source : Press Information Bureau
