Budget 2007 - 2008

Budget 2007 Impact on IT Sector - A Snapshot

Posted On : 2007-02-28 20:07:12( TIMEZONE : IST )

Budget 2007 Impact on IT Sector - A Snapshot

1 Increase in allocation for school education by 35% from Rs.17,133 crore to Rs.23,142 crore, of which Rs.10,671 crore for SSA, provision for strengthening of teachers training institutions to be increased from Rs.162 crore to Rs.450 crore with 200,000 more teachers to be appointed and 500,000 more class rooms to be constructed.

2 An initial provision of Rs.50 crore proposed for beginning work on a Vocational Education Mission; approach to be based on public-private partnership.

3 1,396 ITIs to be upgraded into centres of excellence in specific trades and skills under public-private partnership, Government to provide financial assistance by way of seed money; an interest free loan up to Rs.2.5 crore to be granted to each ITI for upgradation and revision of courses; Rs.750 crore set aside for this purpose.

4 In 2006-07, additional irrigation potential of 2,400,000 hectares to be created; until December 2006 - drinking water provided to 55,512 habitations, 12,198 kilometres of rural roads completed and 783,000 rural houses constructed with 914,000 houses under construction; 19,758 villages covered so far under the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana; 15,054 villages provided with telephone against target of 20,000 villages, and balance to be covered by the end of the year.

5 538 projects with a cost of Rs.23,950 crore sanctioned; allocation to increase from Rs.4,595 crore to Rs.4,987 crore

6 Allocation for e-governance to increase from Rs.395 crore to Rs.719 crore and for e-governance action plans at State levels to increase from Rs.300 crore to Rs.500 crore; Rs.33 crore to be provided for a new scheme of manpower development for software export industry.

Source : Equity Bulls
