Market Commentary

Vinay Cements Open Offer at Rs.35

Posted On : 2007-02-12 09:39:42( TIMEZONE : IST )

Vinay Cements Open Offer at Rs.35

VC Corporate Advisors Pvt Ltd ("VCAPL") ("Manager to the Offer") for and on behalf of Mr Ritesh Bawri, Mr Vinay Bawri, Ms Mala Bawri & Ms Nisha Bawri Singh, ("Acquirers"), has issued this public announcement to the Equity Shareholders of Vinay Cements Ltd ("Target Company"), pursuant to and in compliance with among others, Regulation 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares & Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 & subsequent amendments thereto ("Regulations").

The Offer:

The Acquirers are now making an open offer to the public shareholders of Target Company (other than parties to the agreement) to acquire upto 37,79,974 fully paid up equity shares of Rs 10/- each representing 20% of the post preferential voting equity share capital of the Target Company at a price of Rs 35/- per share ('the offer price') payable in cash, in terms of the Regulation 20 of the Regulations (the "Offer" or "Open Offer").

Schedule of Activities:

Specified Date - February 09, 2007

Date of Opening of the Offer - March 28, 2007

Date of Closing of the Offer - April 16, 2007

Source : Equity Bulls
