The National Stock Exchange has shifted the below 14 stocks to the Trade for Trade segment (Series: BE) at a price band of 5% with effect from December 15, 2006 (Friday).
Sr. No. | Symbol | Company name |
1 | AXIS-IT&T | Axis-IT&T Limited |
2 | CREATIVEYE | Creative Eye Ltd. |
3 | DYNACONS | Dynacons Systems & Solutions Ltd. |
4 | HOTELRUGBY | Hotel Rugby Ltd. |
5 | IVP | IVP Ltd. |
6 | LCCINFOTEC | LCC Infotech Limited |
7 | LLOYDFIN | Lloyds Finance Ltd. |
8 | MBECL | Mcnally Bharat Engineering Company Limited |
9 | NEOCURTHER | Neocure Therapeutics Ltd |
10 | NEPCMICON | Nepc Micon Ltd |
11 | ONWARDTEC | Onward Technologies Ltd |
12 | ORIENTPRES | Orient Press Ltd |
13 | PEPL | Pearl Engineering Polymers Limited |
14 | PIRAMYDRET | Piramyd Retail Limited |