Stock Report

Goldiam International Limited receives orders of Rs. 70 crores

Posted On : 2024-09-05 14:33:03( TIMEZONE : IST )

Goldiam International Limited receives orders of Rs. 70 crores

Goldiam International Limited has received purchase orders of Rs.70 crores from a large retailers in USA for diamond studded gold jewellery of which includes 80% of orders of lab-grown diamonds jewellery.

With this orders, we are thrilled to announce that Goldiam's cumulative orders book has surpassed Rs.200 crores, marking a significant milestone in the Company's history. What makes this achievement even more noteworthy is that the majority of these orders are for Lab-grown diamonds, reflecting the growing demand for sustainable and innovative jewellery solutions.

This figure does not include the online orders, further highlighting the strength of its traditional business channels. These orders are expected to be fulfilled over the next 3 to 4 months, ensuring strong momentum for the Company in the near term.

Source : Equity Bulls


GoldiamInternational OrderWin USA LargeRetailers DiamondStudded GoldJewellery LabGrownDiamonds