Stock Report

Garment Mantra Lifestyle Limited approves 1:1 bonus issue

Posted On : 2024-07-08 15:58:42( TIMEZONE : IST )

Garment Mantra Lifestyle Limited approves 1:1 bonus issue

The Board of directors of Garment Mantra Lifestyle Limited has approved the issue Bonus shares out of free reserves and securities premium account to the existing equity share holders in the ratio 1:1 (one equity share for every one equity share of nominal value of Rs.1/- each) subject to approval of shareholders and regulatory authorities. The Bonus Shares once allotted shall rank pari-passu in all respects and carry the same rights as the existing Equity Shares.

The pre-bonus issue paid-up Equity Share capital as on date is Rs. 10,03,84,050/- consisting of 10,03,84,050 Equity Shares of Re. 1/- each.

The post-bonus issue paid up Equity Share capital will be Rs. 20,07,68,100/- consisting 0f 20,07,68,100 Equity shares of Re. 1/- each.

Source : Equity Bulls


GarmentMantraLifestyle BonusIssue 1For1