Stock Report

Bigbloc Building Elements Pvt Ltd receives eligibility certificate for subsidy

Posted On : 2024-03-18 14:22:19( TIMEZONE : IST )

Bigbloc Building Elements Pvt Ltd receives eligibility certificate for subsidy

Bigbloc Building Elements Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bigbloc Construction Limited has received the Eligibility Certificate for Subsidy under the Package Scheme of Incentives - 2019. Total admissible subsidy shall be 27.14 Crores over a period of 10 years w.e.f. 01st May, 2023 which can be availed from Industrial Promotion Subsidy from 100% SGST payable by the company for the first sale in Maharastra, Interest Subsidy, Exemption from paying Electricity Duty (for 10 years), Power Tariff Subsidy (3 years).

Source : Equity Bulls


BigblocConstruction BigblocBuildingElements EligibilityCertificate Subsidy