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Droneacharya receives contract from Indian Army for FPV Drone Pilot Training

Posted On : 2024-03-11 11:09:11( TIMEZONE : IST )

Droneacharya receives contract from Indian Army for FPV Drone Pilot Training

DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations Limited has been awarded the prestigious First Person View (FPV) drone pilot training contract by the Ministry of Defence, Department of Military Affairs, Government of India. This contract is a significant milestone as it signifies the increasing adoption of the FPV drones by the Indian Army in their tactical missions.

The training program, spanning an extensive duration of 15 days, will cover a comprehensive curriculum including theory sessions on the latest rules and regulations issued by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), emergency protocols, simulator training to enhance drone flying skills in simulated environments, and practical on-ground drone flying exercises. Upon completion of the training, each candidate will undergo verbal, written, and practical examinations and will be awarded a completion certificate.

This initiative represents a significant step forward in the integration of drones into the Indian Defence framework. FPV drones have emerged as potent force multipliers in asymmetric warfare and Defence tactics. Leveraging our subject matter expertise and years of experience, DroneAcharya is wellequipped to deliver high-quality training programs. Our team of experienced and certified personnel will ensure that candidates receive the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in this critical field.

Mr. Prateek Srivastava, the Founder and Managing Director at DroneAcharya, highlighted the importance of FPV drones in modern warfare contexts, stating, "They are ideal low-cost options in counterinsurgency, Line of Control (LOC)/Line of Actual Control (LAC) operations, mechanized operations, and have proven their worth in recent conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine War and the Armenia-Azerbaijan War. We are pleased to be the trusted training partners of the Indian Ministry of Defence and we will ensure that we continue to improve our offerings to facilitate greater engagement in the near future."

We are honored to have been entrusted with this vital responsibility by the Indian Army and are committed to delivering training of the highest standards. This contract underscores DroneAcharya's dedication to advancing the capabilities of our armed forces through cutting-edge technology and innovative training solutions.

Source : Equity Bulls


DroneAcharyaAerialInnovations OrderWin Contract IndianArmy FPVDrone PilotTraining