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DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations Ltd wins contract for supply of Drone Simulators

Posted On : 2023-12-16 23:38:00( TIMEZONE : IST )

DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations Ltd wins contract for supply of Drone Simulators

DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations Limited announces its recent achievement of securing a pivotal contract from the Ministry of Defense, Department of Military Affairs, based in Bhalra, Jammu & Kashmir. The esteemed contract involves the supply of Drone Simulators and will be executed at NCPITS (CBS) Bhalra, Jammu & Kashmir.

This contract marks a significant step forward for DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations Limited in contributing to the enhancement of military training and development programs. The contract underlines the company's commitment to pioneering innovations in Aerial Technology and its dedication to supporting the defense sector with state-of-the-art solutions.

The contract is strategically aligned with the Ministry of Defense, Department of Military Affairs' vision to empower its internal team members with advanced skills in Drone piloting and Aerial maneuvers. DroneAcharya's simulators are poised to play a pivotal role in training sessions aimed at honing the expertise of military personnel in drone flying, leveraging the latest advancements in simulation technology.

The contract's scope aligns with DroneAcharya's offerings in Drone - Centric professional courses. The company's innovative approach and unwavering dedication to pushing the boundaries of aerial technology have positioned it as a frontrunner in the field.

Source : Equity Bulls


DroneAcharyaAerialInnovations OrderWin MinistryofDefence DroneSimulators