Stock Report

Disruption of operations at TTK Prestige Limited's Roorkee plant due to floods

Posted On : 2023-07-14 18:41:18( TIMEZONE : IST )

Disruption of operations at TTK Prestige Limited's Roorkee plant due to floods

Due to heavy rain and floods, operations at TTK Prestige Limited's manufacturing unit at Roorkee, Uttarakhand have been disrupted and we expect loss of production for about 4 days.

Currently steps are in place to resume production by 18th July 2023.

The loss to any assets are being estimated but these are all covered by adequate insurance.

As the Company has sufficient capacities at other Units, the impact is not expected to be material.

Source : Equity Bulls


TTKPrestige Operations Disrupted RoorkeePlant Floods NaturalCalamity