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VGL's SEZ Unit conferred with 'Net Zero Energy Building' by Indian Green Building Council

Posted On : 2023-06-22 16:14:04( TIMEZONE : IST )

VGL's SEZ Unit conferred with 'Net Zero Energy Building' by Indian Green Building Council

Vaibhav Global Limited's (VGL) has announced that its SEZ unit has been certified as "Net Zero Energy Building" (NZEB) by "Indian Green Building Council "(IGBC). This certification recognizes the company's commitment to sustainable development.

The certification was conferred post exhaustive assessment of the unit in terms of energy efficiency, and adoption of renewable energy resources. The Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) certification is a significant milestone for us. Out of 3,600 nation-wide green certified projects only 16 projects across India have been recognized so and we are proud to announce that our organization is one of them.

Mr. Sunil Agarwal, Managing Director, Vaibhav Global Limited said, "We are delighted for being recognized with 'Net Zero Energy Building' certification by IGBC. Being one of the few companies in India to be certified so, we believe that this achievement is one of the milestones towards achieving our vision to become carbon neutral in scope 1 and 2 of GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions by 2031."

Commenting on this development, Mr S Karthikeyan, Deputy Executive Director, IGBC, said, "On behalf of the IGBC, I congratulate Vaibhav Global Limited on receiving 'Net Zero Energy Building' certificate for their SEZ unit in Jaipur. We are proud to partner them with in their Net Zero journey and look forward for more milestones in times to come".

Source : Equity Bulls


VaibhavGlobal SEZUnit NetZeroEnergyBuilding IGBC