Stock Report

Renaissance Global Limited's Q4 & FY23 Direct-to-Consumer Business Update

Posted On : 2023-04-03 11:44:05( TIMEZONE : IST )

Renaissance Global Limited's Q4 & FY23 Direct-to-Consumer Business Update

Renaissance Global Limited (Renaissance) a global branded jewellery player, has shared the quarterly update on its direct-to-consumer (D2C) business for the quarter ended March 31st, 2023.

During Q4 FY23, our direct-to-consumer business posted revenues of ₹66.3 crores compared to ₹29.5 crores in Q4 FY22, registering a growth of 124%. For FY23, the direct to consumer business revenue was up by 93% to ₹239.1 crores as compared to ₹123.8 Crores in FY22. The annual revenue for FY23 has improved to ₹239 crores from ₹225 crores reported annual run rate in Q3 & 9M FY23, further improving our 2-year D2C revenue CAGR to 92%.

Source : Equity Bulls


RenaissanGlobal D2CBusiness Q4FY23 FY2023 QuaterlyUpdate Revenue