IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd has now received Letter of Award from National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for the project of "Upgradation to Six Lane with paved Shoulder of NH-27 from Samakhiyali to Santalpur section from km. 339+200 to Km. 430+100 in the State of Gujarat on BOT (Toll) Mode".
The Total Project Cost is Rs. 2,132 Crores, EPC Cost (including GST) is Rs. 2,092 Crores and EPC Cost (excluding GST) is Rs. 1,773 Crores.
The Concession Period will be 20 years from the Appointed Date including 2 years of construction period.
The Premium to the Authority in the form of revenue share at the rate of 42.84 % of the Realizable Fee from the Project from second year after Project Completion Date, which shall be increased by 1% (one percent) of the Realizable Fee every subsequent year for the remaining Concession Period.
The Company's order book stands revised to approx. Rs. 20,892 Crores (excluding GST), which includes construction order book of Rs. 9,714 Crores providing strong visibility for next ~2.5 years.