Stock Report

Steel Strips Wheels Ltd prepays over Rs. 80 crores of long term debt

Posted On : 2022-12-31 15:42:57( TIMEZONE : IST )

Steel Strips Wheels Ltd prepays over Rs. 80 crores of long term debt

Steel Strips Wheels Limited has prepaid its term debt of Rs. 81.26 crores in the current Quarter as on date and after this prepayment along with normal repayments for the period, the Company's Long Term debt is reduced to Rs. 270.20 Crores as on date from Rs, 374.39 Crores as on 31st March 2022.

The Company is working to further pre-pay its long term loans in the next Quarter, so as to remain on course on its target of achieving a financial leverage of sub 1.5 times of total debt.

Source : Equity Bulls


SteelStripsWheels DebtPrepayment DebtReduction SSWL