Pursuant to finalization of the Basis of Allotment of the Rights Issue in consultation with the designated stock exchange, SME Platform of BSE Limited, Registrar to the Issue, the Lead Manager to the Issue, the Board of Directors of the Company, at its meeting held today, i.e., Thursday, December 29, 2022 has approved the allotment of 8,67,000 (Eight Lakhs Sixty Seven thousand) Fully paid-up Equity Shares of face value of Rs.10.00/- (Rupees Ten Only) per Equity Share at price of Rs.70.00/- (Rupees Seventy Only) per Right Share to the eligible applicants.
Subsequent to the said allotment, the issued, subscribed, and paid-up equity share capital of the Company stands increased from Rs. 4,33,59,460.00/- (Rupees Four Crores Thirty Three Lakhs Fifty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Only) divided in 43,35,946 (Forty Tkee Lakhs Thirty Five Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty Srx) Equty Shares to Rs.5,20,29,460/-(Rupees Five Crores Twenty Lakhs Twenty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Only) divided irfio 52,02,946 (Fifty Two Lakhs Two Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Six only) Equtty Shares of face value of Rs. 10.00/- (Rupees Ten Only).