Stock Report

Fatal Accident at Bhageria Industries Ltd's Gamma Acid Plant

Posted On : 2022-10-27 17:58:06( TIMEZONE : IST )

Fatal Accident at Bhageria Industries Ltd's Gamma Acid Plant

Bhageria Industries Limited has announced that a vessel breakdown in Gamma Acid Plant in its Factory premises situated at Plot No. D-17, MIDC Tarapur Boisar Industrial Area, Boisar, Palghar-401506 on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 approximately at 4:20p.m. This accident unfortunately resulted in three fatalities and twelve others are minorly injured.

The accident did not result in any fire or hazardous emissions but was limited to one Plant (i.e. Gamma Acid Plant), the production of the said plant will be affected for 4 to 5 days from today and has not affected operations of the other Plants at the Factory.

In compliance with the company's protocols, investigation has been initiated to determine the root cause (Hazop) of the accident. While the impact of the accident is being ascertained, the damaged equipment(s) are fully covered by way of insurance.

The company is thankful to the local administration and factory staff for providing timely support.

Source : Equity Bulls


BhageriaIndustries VesselBreakdown GammaAcidPlant FatalAccident