Stock Report

PNC Infratech updates on achievement of Financial Closure for Two Hybrid Annuitv Proiects of NHAI

Posted On : 2022-10-07 22:42:19( TIMEZONE : IST )

PNC Infratech updates on achievement of Financial Closure for Two Hybrid Annuitv Proiects of NHAI

PNC Infratech Limited (the Company) has announced that for two (2) Hybrid Annuity Mode (HAM) Projects namely Kanpur-Lucknow Expressway package I & II, the respective SPVs viz. Kanpur Lucknow Expressway Private Limited, Awadh Expressway Private Limited, which are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company, have submitted the duly executed Financing Documents to NHAI on 07.10.2022.

The above duly executed documents have been submitted within the time frames stipulated in the respective Concession Agreements and has requested the Authority (NHAI) for confirmation of the Financial Closures for the above projects.

Source : Equity Bulls


PNCInfratech SPVs HAMProjects FinancingDocuments NHAI