Stock Report

Vaibhav Global distributes more than 80 Electric Vehicles to its employees for Eco-commute

Posted On : 2022-02-02 17:38:11( TIMEZONE : IST )

Vaibhav Global distributes more than 80 Electric Vehicles to its employees for Eco-commute

Vaibhav Global Limited has recently purchased 80+ Electric 2-Wheelers and distributed them to its employees free of cost, as a part of their environmental initiatives. These EVs would be utilised by the employees for their commuting purpose. With this investment, we expect to eliminate approximately 5 buses from our fleet, and we plan to reduce further buses in future with the addition of more electric vehicles. These EVs would help in reduction of carbon emission value equivalent to 25-28 ton per annum and would aid in our long-term goal to become a Zero-Carbon company. The charging infrastructure for these EVs will be provided in the office premises.

Commenting on this, Mr. Pushpendra Singh, Vice President-Human Resources, Vaibhav Global Limited said, "VGL Group strives to grow in a way that considers the environmental and societal impacts of our activities. The investment in EVs are an extension of our ongoing conscious efforts to minimize the carbon footprint and would further aid to integrate environmental and social considerations with our business practices."

Source : Equity Bulls


VaibhavGlobal ElectricTwoWheelers Employees FreeofCost