Industry News

Clarification on Take-Over of Hindustan protein limited by m/s Pepsico holdings

Posted On : 2007-03-21 20:06:15( TIMEZONE : IST )

Clarification on Take-Over of Hindustan protein limited by m/s Pepsico holdings

As per record, there is no company registered with the name of M/s. Hindustan Protein Limited or M/s PepsiCo Holdings. However, there is a company with the name of M/s. PepsiCo India Holdings Private Limited which is registered with the Office of Registrar of Companies, Delhi & Haryana. It is a subsidiary of M/s. PepsiCo Pinimax Inc., Mauritius. As per records maintained in respect of M/s. PepsiCo India Holdings Private Limited in the office of Registrar of Companies, Delhi & Haryana, no company with the name M/s. Hindustan Protein Limited has been taken over by M/s. PepsiCo India Holdings Private Limited.

This information was given by Shri Prem Chand Gupta, Minister of Company Affairs in reply to the questions raised by Shri Kamal Akhtar in Rajya Sabha today.

Source : Press Information Bureau
